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About The Undivide Project

Our Mission

The Undivide Project focuses on the intersection of the climate crisis and the digital divide. We are most concerned about how the confluence of these critical issues impacts poor and BIPOC communities. Our goal is to use a portfolio of services to help communities create their own solutions. And we always — always unapologetically uplift the voices of the underserved.

Our Values and Approach

We do not “parachute” into neighborhoods to research, survey, and then leave. The Undivide Project examines root causes of divestment, including those created by law or public policy. Thus, our work in communities is a medium to long-term commitment.

  • We engage in peer-level work and honor community leadership and knowledge.
  • Our team members are representative, combining professional skills with lived experiences and mutual respect.
  • We combine research and community action.

Our Vision

Climate resilience and access to digital opportunities are accessible, equitable, and achievable to all communities.

Meet our team

We’re a team of community advocates, attorneys, researchers, engineers, entrepreneurs, and relentless optimists.