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What we do


We engage in storytelling and education via social media, microdocs and live discussion sessions to help people learn about digital and climate justice.


We co-create solutions with communities, such as our risk mapping project, community resilience gardens and advocacy tools.


We specialize in accessible research. Our team writes policy frameworks, white papers and toolkits for equitable, green, connected communities.

Storytelling and Education

The Undivide Project Team partnered with students and faculty from across Georgetown University to create multimedia tools demonstrating the impacts of environmental injustice, economic and digital divestment. This website explores these issues with a set of story maps that demonstrate the layered hazards present in the community and their impacts on residents.

The Undivide Project Podcast

We take our work to uplift the voices in the climate and digital justice spaces to the next level. The Undivide Project: Changemakers” podcast series is now live! 

Watch or listen on our YouTube Channel and everywhere you get your podcasts.

Digital Divestment X Climate Justice StoryMaps

The Undivide Project team (Monica, Erik, Anthony) partnered with a member of ESRI’s Social Justice Team to create a series of StoryMaps that illustrate how social justice, digital justice and climate justice intersect. In Buzzard Point DC, we mapped how a history of racial inequity and lack of Internet access created multiple level of risk in an already overburdened community.

Research and Articles

Social Impact Heroes: Why & How Monica Sanders of ‘The Undivided Project’ Is Helping To Change Our World

Imposter syndrome is fake. Just keep going. As I said, I have had struggles with this phenomenon. Then I realized it is the product of anxiety and to a lesser extent, societal expectations. It is not a real thing that can have an impact beyond allowing it to have one.

Monica Sanders Analyzes Disproportionate Impact Of Natural Disasters On BIPOC Communities

Natural disasters in recent years are steadily increasing, reaching apocalyptic levels. The Institute of Economics and Peace recorded 39 occurrences in 1960 that significantly jumped to 396 climate change disturbances in 2019.

También hay un costo por inacción”, así hablan los testigos del cambio climático

A Monica Sanders nadie tiene que explicarle las amenazas del cambio climático. Proviene de una familia hondureña que tuvo que migrar por los efectos del Huracán Andrew en los 90´s y en el 2004 tuvieron que evacuar de Luisiana, Estados Unidos, por el impacto del Huracán Katrina.

Using A Digital Justice Framework To Improve Disaster Preparation And Response

Social justice, environmental justice, and climate justice are all digital justice. Digital injustice arises from the fact that 21 million Americans are not connected to the internet, and seven percent of Americans do not use it, even if they have access to it. This lack of connectivity can lead to the loss of life, disrupted communities, and frayed social cohesion during natural disasters, as people are unable to access life-saving information and preventive tools found online.

Avoiding Data and Algorithmic Bias In Disaster Research: The Ten States Project

In this writing, we wanted to delve into the Ten States Project, a pioneering initiative addressing climate and disaster risks confronting African-Americans in the ten most states where, except for New York and California, 60% of that population lives. Our goal is to create a comprehensive risk profile for this population that looks at multiple indicators comprehensively, rather than comparatively or at fixed points in time. 

Increasing National Resilience Through An Open Disaster Data Initiative

Federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial agencies collect and maintain a range of disaster resilience, vulnerability, and loss data. However, this valuable data lives on different platforms and in various formats across agency silos. Inconsistent data collection and lack of validation can result in gaps and inefficiencies and make it difficult to implement appropriate mitigation, preparedness, response, recovery, and adaptation measures for natural hazards, including wildfires, smoke, drought, extreme heat, flooding, and debris flow.

Policy Paper – How the nation’s emergency management agency can confront climate change, inequity and the digital divide

September is National Preparedness Month. Emergency managers and public safety professionals are on the frontlines of climate change. That is becoming part of a healthy conversation about our collective future. But what about unconnected and under-connected communities? How can they get critical information about risk?